Briefly In English

Credit Association of Finland

(Luottoalan Asiantuntijat Ry) history briefly in English


Luottoalan Asiantuntijat Ry is a non-profit association aimed at connecting and advancing Finance and Credit Professional’s industry and network in Finland.

Our association is over 50 years in the making, having been formed back in 1961. The origins of our group can be traced back to a Credit Department at a famous Finnish retailer, Stockmann. Back then, a Credit Manager by the name of S.A. Perret at Stockmann formed ideas to start an association for the industry in Finland. In the beginning, there was a group of 5 professional who met in the spring of 1961 to explore these possibilities. Additional meetings were held and finally, in October 3rd 1961 the first ever meeting was held to form the association. There were 48 people in attendance, mainly from the Banking, retail and automotive industries. In this meeting Luottoalan Asiantuntijat Ry was formed. The rules for the association were drawn based on Swedish Finance Association and NACM (National Association of Credit Management), USA.

Today, Luottoalan Asiantuntijat Ry is a vibrant association with almost 550 members. Members come from a variety of industries: Banking, finance, law/collections, insurance, credit insurance, credit bureaus and other credit professionals from multiple industries. We will reach a milestone of 1000 members who have participated in the “Luottotutkinto” program this year. This “Credit Degree” program was started back in 1991. In addition, our association has provided a comprehensive “Credit Management Program” with Turku University since 2000 in which the participant’s employee invests in a longer program to advance our member’s skill set for work. This program is currently being re-evaluated for future participants.

Organization is as follows:

– Board of Directors (9) are elected for 3 year terms
Board members are assigned specific responsibilities with sub-committees


– Education (Seminars, training and education, International affairs)
– Law (Association related, official statements and industry initiatives)
– Credit advisory committee (Forwards ideas and proposals to Board of Directors)
– Communication (Web and social media, emailers)

In addition, we have an Event Organizer who works closely with all association key personnel to make arrangements for different events. Luottoalan Asiantuntijat Ry has 2 main events each year: Official Spring meeting-Dinner/Meet event and Official fall meeting. Official voting takes place in both meetings, however new board and committee members and voted during fall meeting. Other events during the year include breakfast seminars, emailers, and other informative meetings. Board of directors and committees hold several meetings during the year.

The main focus of the current board concentrates in advancing member retention/activity, upgrading all matters related to web and social media, as well as producing interesting and beneficial material both local and International to our members. We look forward to providing exiting speakers and events in 2018 and beyond.